Vacancy: Yesterday we received notice in the mail that a vacancy for a two bedroom apartment in an affordable housing complex became available. Sadly not in the town of our choice. Nor an area that we view as safe.
The Other Mother: The notice came to our family but the decision had to be made by both the young ladies’ families. I had some concern that the other mother might feel differently and want to consider this housing possibility. I was very uncomfortable with that idea.
A Shared Vision: When we finally caught up with each other today, I was relieved. We are on the same page. She too wants to hold out for the optimal: an apartment in the town of our choosing, where we know the girls will be safe, have access to services and reside in a community that is welcoming to special needs adults.
Optimism: She said “I think this is really going to happen”, a sprig of optimism throw into the soup of our daughters’ future life. That felt good.
©Jill Edelman, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 2011
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