Magic: The sheer coincidence of things makes me wonder if readers will think I am writing fiction not fact. But fact it is. Two days ago my focus was on concerns that our daughter’s volunteer job at the cat clinic was ending with no new animal-related work on the horizon and what was my role here? Yesterday, I received my answer. Magic? It sure feels that way.
The Personal Investment Piece: Five weeks ago my daughter and I walked through the sidewalk sales of her soon to be home town and found ourselves chatting with a volunteer at ROAR, the local animal shelter, precisely the spot where we hoped she could volunteer. Serendipitous. Up to that point, only marginal contact had been made by the service agency Ability Beyond Disability with the shelter, not sufficiently reassuring for me. But we were lucky. Here was our daughter chatting with this lovely woman about dog breeds and as I pressed my card into her hand, she gave me her name and warmly suggested there should be a place for our gal there once their renovation was completed. As soon as I returned home, I checked the website. This lovely lady was a board member, not just some random volunteer. Lady Luck indeed.
The Timely Email: This was my question two days ago, “Should I make the follow-up contact or should ABD?” My answer arrived yesterday in an email from that very board member. Truly amazing. I do not believe she reads my blog, yet she answered my question. She describes in this warm correspondence how much she enjoyed chatting with our daughter (“she stole my heart”) and how wonderful she thought she was. She wants to help set her up with an adult volunteer to work with at the shelter once they reopen. No Way! That personal piece coupled with our daughter’s awesome personality is one powerful package.
Heading Home: Here it is, the next step. Today is Sunday. We will be heading back to Connecticut with the soft, cuddly chocolate lab in the Black Dog store bandanna to present to our daughter along with this great news. She called three or four times yesterday, unusual for her, with a blow-by-blow on her activities but surprisingly no mention of the chocolate lab. Usually if she asks for something, she keeps at it until the item is in hand. I shared the news about ROAR, and she roared in joyful response. Sheer coincidence, the power of fingers crossed, or just good timing? Whatever, I am so grateful.
©Jill Edelman, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 2011
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