Danny and The Truck: Interesting how you can monitor delivery by the moment. Tracker Bob, or whatever it is called, keeps you guessing, but gives you answers. It’s just that they keep changing the answers, up, down and sideways. However, I did install myself in the Ridgefield apartment which joyously has central A.C., with my iPad2 3G in hand so I was able to track Driver Danny and his truck.
Bedroom Fully Outfitted But: The generous proportions of our daughter’s new bedroom allowed for a queen size bed set including chest of drawers with mirror, a desk and chair and the big sleigh style bed. Oh yes, and that night table, which is defective. They are supposed to call me to switch it out but so far, nada. I will call them. Looks great, though.
The Red Couch: It came and conquered, in my opinion. Looks durable and is comfortable and not garish. Hurrah for that. And I was able to get home in time to work.
The Daughter: The star of this show has been super busy and very happy. Yesterday was residential day, which meant that she met with her future home staff and the BMPS person, which is another of those acronyms taking residence in my daily vocabulary. BMPS = Behavioral Modification Program Specialist (pronounced bumps). Her name is Ann and she cuts hair on the side. BMPS are trained professionals who deal with the behavioral aspects of the clients.
The View So Far: From here it looks good. Apartment is shaping up. Daughter hasn’t seen the installation of furnishings yet, but may drop by today with her job coach after her first day (or moment) volunteering at the Ridgefield library. Her future apartment-mate apparently started yesterday, and the coach said that she was there less than 1/2 hour. Oops, hope they give them more to do over time.
Smiles and Beguiles: Our daughter is winning fans amongst staff. She is her humorous best, and charms all. Because she thrives on the group atmosphere, and loves the company of young adults with bounce, enjoys her group at the DSO, and is tolerating the mix-ups, she is happy. Also, I see great pride in her for starting this “adult” life. She totally gets that she is now on a new and awesome trail.
Fingers Crossed With More To Follow.
©Jill Edelman, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 2011
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